5 Simple Energy Conservation Ideas For Your Home

While most potential home buyers consider their monthly mortgage payment (including principal, interest, and escrow / taxes), many do not adequately consider other monthly expenses associated with home ownership. Perhaps the most significant is the cost of energy-related activities, including electrical and heart activities. The purpose of this article is not to examine the many heating alternatives, including solar, geothermal, etc., but rather to review a few simple steps, which one can easily take, to make your home more efficient and environmentally friendly. energy. . Let’s look at 5 simple and basic energy conservation ideas / steps.

1. Windows and doors: Which is the Energy efficiency ratio of your front doors? What material are they made of? How do they hang? How much air is leaking through the spaces created due to their alignment? Simply by making sure your door has a bottom sweep, and the spaces around the top, and sides, are reduced / eliminated, it will prevent heat from escaping in winter, and air conditioning, from escaping during summer. What type of blinds or curtains are you using, and are you using them, to let in the sun, when it’s cold outside, while reducing the heat input from the sun, when it’s hot? When was the last time you had your windows checked, in terms of tightness, energy rating and tinting (if the local climate dictates)?

2. Isolation: Each form of insulation comes with some R rating. This number indicates the amount of insulation, but are you sure all exterior walls and ceilings are properly insulated? Doing so could potentially save a considerable amount of unnecessary energy costs.

3. Energy saving appliances: Certain home appliances, especially refrigerators, freezers, and air conditioners, have become much more energy efficient in recent years. How old is yours? Look at the rating and it will indicate how much power a particular appliance might be using. When I recently replaced my refrigerator, the new one was much more efficient (thus cost less to operate) than my 15-year-old model. Similarly, today’s oil and gas burners and boilers are far more efficient than ever.

Four. Water and toilet: Are there leaky faucets or toilets that are still running? Eliminate drips, change faucet heads (especially in the shower) and check the efficiency of your toilets.

5. Lights / Accessories: Start by making the effort to turn off the lights when you leave the room! What kind of light bulb are you using? Today, many light bulbs are four or more times more efficient (use less power / wattage) than old ones. Check your lights and accessories regularly.

These 5 ideas may seem basic and obvious, but you will be surprised how few people consider them. Unless you like to waste energy and spend more than necessary, using these simple conservation methods will save you money and reduce energy waste.

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