Protein for muscle and strength gains

Notice how we get more concerned with how much weight we can lift for extended periods of time, sets and reps, intermittent days, split training, drop sets, rest break, pyramid sets, and weights, we forget that protein is one of the most important. important supplements we need to build muscle mass. Even though every muscle molecule is made of protein that we eat, we never worry or think about it first. We have to worry about protein quality because it is so important to our goal of building as much permanent muscle mass as possible. Therefore, you need to eat the right amount of protein in the right way at the right time every day.

The best teeth activation stress training will produce only some muscle and strength. The amount of protein you need for muscle building depends on how much muscle you naturally have now. These amounts vary widely, depending on individual body composition, but most recommendations don’t come from a wide range of studies. Most of the figures are inaccurate for optimal muscle growth.

An accurate guide to protein needs is derived from basic physiological needs. Most bodybuilders and sports enthusiasts use body weight as a criterion for the amount of protein they need when bodybuilders of the same body weight differ widely due to their ratio of muscle to body fat. The protein you need is what will maintain your lean weight and the extra amount required to build new muscle. You need to know your muscle weight to find this amount. It is a myth that your lean body weight is a measure of your muscle only.

This is not so true! Your lean weight includes your bones, tendons, ligaments, skin, and all other organs. Athletes have the higher ratio of muscle to lean weight than the average person, if you don’t know your lean weight, doing a body composition is a must. There are many systems to do this, these are some of them:

Skinfold measurement

Body Mass Index (BMI)

waist-hip ratio

weight index

hydrostatic weight

(also known as hydrodensitometry or underwater weighing)

near infrared interaction

Total Body Potassium (TBK)

Whole Body Air Displacement Plethysmography (BodPod)

Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)

Total Body Electrical Conductivity (TOBEC)

Computed Tomography (CT)

Total Body Protein (TBP)

Just to name a few, your body replaces your lean body weight at various intervals. Depending on your body type, we replenish protein in our body every six months. Our muscle has the highest protein content of our lean tissue mass. Your muscle also requires more protein than our other tissues for metabolism. Typically you will need up to (1.40g – 2.40g) much of your protein replacement comes from amino acid recycling.

So multiplying 1.40 x 190 by that extra protein for metabolism, the amount of protein you need to maintain lean muscle would be 266 grams per lean body weight. Even the couch potato needs more protein to keep his lean muscle mass from getting fat. Your body will deposit unused carbohydrates in muscle and liver cells, but there is no storage of protein, so for optimal muscle growth, we must eat the right amount of protein every day.

If you start missing this for just a week, your body will start to break down your lean body mass to make up for it. If you eat the right amount of protein every day and train correctly, you will see new muscle gain on a regular basis.

Your body will need more protein to make new muscle than it needs to maintain the muscle that’s already there. Most trainee weight lifters can expect to gain between 10 and 20 pounds per year of lean muscle mass.

Diet and exercise are not the only causes that influence muscle gain, genetics also play an important role in your mass gains, how many years you have been training and your age too.

Genetic types are divided into three types, ectomorphs – these are tough gainers and lean

Mesomorphs: These are easy muscles to gain

Endomorphs: These Are Easy Fat Gainers

Most men are a mix of ectomorphs and mesomorphs, but can be mistaken for endomorphs due to excess body fat, and will only gain moderate muscle gain which is most of us.

266 grams of top-notch protein per day is needed for someone weighing 190 pounds to gain optimal muscle growth. You can get away with eating bad fats and carbs, but they are only temporary energy supplies. Every time you eat bad protein, it enters your body to build poor structure, fat, and sedentary bodies.

The only measure of protein is Biological Value (BV), which measures the amount of protein retained in the body per gram absorbed, so a score of 150 to 200 has twice the (BV) of a score of 80, so so if you want to stand out, eat the high protein (BV) range every day. Plant protein cannot be trusted because its (BV) is below the range.

You’ll have to eat a mountain of beans to get the same protein retention as a top notch protein. No wonder gorillas drill so much. Our bodies don’t digest them well, they ferment in our gut causing smelly results. You can stop gas by using a product called Beano that has the sugar-digesting enzyme alpha-galactosidase that works well with broccoli, wheat, and other whole grains.

We are constantly told to eat a balanced meal to get our protein, but meats don’t have a very high (BV) despite their use. In other words, meats are not the muscle food we think they are.

Your best bet is whey proteins that contain a lot of alanine and plenty of branched-chain amino acids leucine, isoleucine, and valine that are used to make alanine and glutamine, so you can take supplemental branched-chain amino acids to meet your alanine needs. and glutamine. Branched chain supplements are anticatabolic.

Whey protein is best as it has a high (BV), di-peptide and tri-peptide bonds that are key to optimal protein metabolism and allow the body to retain twice the amount of protein. Peptide protein formulas that preserve these bonds are those using cross-flow or exchange membrane extraction methods.

Ion-exchange whey has an increase in glutathione, a very important antioxidant, so if you want muscle, strength, and a strong immune system, then cross-flow and ion-exchange membrane whey protein is the way to go. the best choice.

Good whey protein brands that will give you a bang for your buck are

Designer Protein (Next Nutrition)

Perfect Protein (Unipro)

Whey Fuel (Twinlabs)

Most bodybuilders make the mistake of using whey protein because they think that there is no need to use carbs when taking protein because the excess carbs will be converted to fat. After exercise, the body needs protein and carbohydrates to change the hormonal balance. A mixed carbohydrate-protein drink has a greater long-acting insulin release which has the greatest increase in growth hormone and testosterone.

Protein and carbohydrates immediately after your workout lower post-exercise cortisol levels. High cortisol levels break down protein in muscle mass, and carbohydrates supply glycogen to muscles to help keep cortisol levels to a minimum. This is the best anabolic way to go after a workout. You should take at least 40-50g of protein after a workout mixed with carbs and essential fats within the hour of training for maximum absorption.

The total amount of carbohydrates depends on the total daily calories. For those who want to gain weight, if you weigh between 160 and 190 pounds, your carb/protein/fat ratio should be between 40:30; 30 or 53:26:21 but you need to look up your daily protein, carbohydrate and fat intake for your body weight to train your meal plan, then it is easier to plan your food intake for the whole day.

Most of the amino in the muscles is made up of glutamine. It is used for transportation to remove nitrogen residues. Alanine is another important component of muscles. During exercise you lose more glutamine and alanine than your body can store. Cross-flow and ion-exchange membrane whey protein contains high levels of glutamine, alanine, and branched-chain amino acids. This is why they have a higher BV than other proteins and also spare muscle amino acids, which inhibits catabolism.

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