Why are pool tables played differently? Some slow and some fast

Why are some pool tables fast, while others are extremely slow?

I play pool in 3 pool leagues. The tavern of my house is the same in all 3 teams. The tavern is Diamond Jim’s in Pueblo Colorado. We have 6 tables there and they are all Diamond smart tables. These tables have Simonis 860 fabric on the bed and rails and play fast.

The schedule for the 3 pool teams requires one week at our home tavern and the next week we are at the other teams home tavern. As far as I know, we have the only Diamond pool tables in town. The most common tables in the other taverns would be Valley Cougar or one of the oldest bar tables in Valley. (AKA Bar Box)

There are a couple of establishments in the city that specifically cater to billiard players. The owners of these bars understand that true billiard players like a good standard and a fast table with reasonably tight pockets. These tables are good to play with and I even have an old Valley bar box with double shim pockets and a quick cloth at my place. (No room for 9ft Brunswick Gold Crown)

The other bars in town only have one or 2 tables and the fabric is often worn or has a rubber backing that makes a turtle roll slowly. You will find pool tables with dead rails (bad rubber) and sometimes they are too close to the walls or tables to eat or drink.

I must say that with the correct type of felt (cloth) and a good rubber with a good level playing surface, most table brands will do just fine.

Cloth-backed tables or heavy cloth will greatly slow the cue ball. Tables with bad rubber will make playing pool miserable.

The good news is that with a few hundred dollars at most for the correct type of felt and some new rubber for the rails (only if needed), and possibly some pocket shims, almost any table can be made to play quite a bit. sports.

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