Can Masseter Muscle Botox Help With Teeth Grinding?

Masseter Muscle Botox Help With Teeth Grinding

Masseter Muscle Botox is a minimally invasive cosmetic procedure that can help relieve clenching and grinding, slimming the jawline, and narrowing the lower face to create a more feminine appearance. It is also a popular treatment to reduce pain and discomfort associated with teeth clenching or temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders.

TMJ is a condition that causes painful, chronic headaches, jaw and earaches, ringing in the ears, or damaged tooth enamel as a result of repetitive clenching or grinding of the jaw during sleep or while awake. This clenching or grinding, known as bruxism, can also change the shape of the jawline and make it appear wider or more masculine.

Teeth clenching or grinding is often triggered by stress, anxiety, or sleep problems. It may be made worse by the use of recreational or prescription drugs such as SSRIs (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors). The jaw muscle, called the Masseter Muscle Botox, is used when chewing, but it can become thicker and overexercised through ongoing clenching and grinding. Over time, this can cause a square or wider jawline that is undesirable for both men and women.

Can Masseter Muscle Botox Help With Teeth Grinding?

If you are suffering from teeth grinding or TMJ in New York City, contact a specialist like Dr. Michele Green for noninvasive, effective treatments. One of the primary ways she treats bruxism and TMJ is with jaw Botox injections to relax the masseter muscles.

The first step of this minimally invasive procedure is cleansing the skin around your jaw and cheek area. Next, a tiny needle is used to inject the Botox into the masseter muscle on each side of your face. Usually three injections are given on each side to evenly distribute the Botox in the muscle. The entire procedure takes no more than 15 minutes to perform.

Once the injections are placed, you can expect them to take effect within a few days. Over the course of a few months, it is possible to thin the masseter muscle by about thirty per cent, resulting in a slimmer and more feminine jawline. Beyond its cosmetic benefits, Masseter Muscle Botox can also offer therapeutic relief for individuals experiencing jaw pain, tension headaches, and other symptoms associated with TMJ disorders and bruxism. By relaxing the masseter muscles, Botox injections can alleviate the excessive pressure and strain that contribute to these conditions, providing patients with significant pain relief and improved quality of life.

The results from this treatment will eventually wear off, and the muscle will return to its original thickness. However, if you continue to undergo the treatment regularly, the muscle will become weaker and smaller over time, helping you achieve your desired aesthetic results in the long-term.

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