Crystals for Ascendant in Leo

July 23 – August 22

Rising crystal: citrine

Rising in Leo is a person who tends to be larger than life and loves the spotlight, a born actor; you will definitely be noticed and basically demand to be noticed. You can tend to hide behind this confident attitude even if you don’t feel so confident. Your ascending crystal is good for all these trends as it will allow you to have flexibility and be open to new experiences; Citrine will also attract helpful friends and mentors and is also an abundance attractor, so it will only bring all this positive energy into your life.

Citrine should be carried with you at all times as it is a very important crystal for your energy, it helps you create and develop your creativity and attracts success, it can help you not be so sensitive to criticism and it can help you laugh at yourself. and Don’t take yourself so seriously. It also reduces the great ideas of who you are and where you are going, that idea that you are superior. That two-sided personality of pride and specialty shines through even when you don’t want to, and Citrine will bring you back to being benevolent.

Again, carry Citrine with you at all times, as it will also help you with flexibility and help you listen to others instead of talking about them; and it also helps you stay calm in times of great challenge. You have a great tendency to generosity and you attract all the good things in life to you, almost automatically, or so it will seem to someone who is looking at you.

A perfect way to carry Citrine with you is in a charm bag necklace that can be designed to wear your Citrine directly over the heart chakra, which will activate both the crystal and the heart chakra. Also, if you carry this crystal with your money, your money will manifest faster. You can also get a complete Personal Crystal Recipe of the exact crystals that complement your astrological chart, this is great as it balances your life and being.

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