Dietary Supplements – HCA and CLA

More than half a century after the great war, we still find ourselves fighting the Battle of the Bulge, only now it’s around our waists. We will do just about anything to lose a few pounds, including the following surgical options. However, before you go that far, take a look at the safest dietary supplements that could give you healthier and more natural results.

Staying healthy

By its very nature, weight loss will be partially achieved by reducing calories. That is good and bad. While you will eliminate many bad things from your diet, you will also eliminate the sources of nutrition from the body. For this reason, when you reduce your food intake, you need to use vitamins for weight loss. Your body still needs them, but not as many chips! Adding a weight loss vitamin supplement can help your body efficiently and effectively shed extra pounds while keeping you healthy.


Many people want to avoid supplements along with their weight loss vitamins because they fear “popping the pills.” That doesn’t have to be the case with HCA, as many of them are completely herbal and/or organic. HCL (Hydroxycitiric Acid) is a natural way to help the body convert carbohydrates. It also works as a natural appetite suppressant, telling the body that it is full faster than it really is. Don’t worry though as the weight loss vitamin supplement will make sure that your body gets the nutrition it needs.


One of the other great appetite suppressants is CLA. (Conjugated linoleic acid). This is often called “the fat that makes you thin.” It is found in animal and dairy products and is a very natural part of our diet, you are just taking it in large amounts, but in conjunction with weight loss vitamins it has been shown to be safe and effective. In fact, it is now being studied as part of cancer treatment, since CLA is toxic to cancer cells. However, it has two small drawbacks. First, you’ll need to have your HDL (good cholesterol) checked regularly, as it can lower it. Also, it can lead to insulin resistance, so you’ll want to see how it will affect your blood sugar.

Ultimately, it’s not just about losing pounds, it’s about staying healthy while doing it. A little study and the right supplements will go a long way for you.

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