Fast facts on male condoms

Male condoms are probably the simplest and cheapest method of contraception known. It is a cylindrical device made of latex, polyurethane and lambskin, individually packaged in aluminum wrappers. Today, condoms come in many different shapes, sizes, colors, and even flavors.

By far the most common shape is the tip of the reservoir, where a small gap is found at the tip of the condom that reduces the likelihood of breakage. There are also non-reservoir tipped condoms that are purely cylindrical in shape, and tight-fitting condoms that take an outline shape, directly from the base, slightly enlarged in the front, with a reservoir tip. Condoms also have some accessories to enhance the sensation on your partner’s part. Examples are studded condoms, ribbed condoms with raised lines along the shaft, and specially shaped condoms with a pouch-like enlargement near the tip.

For people allergic to latex, polyurethane or lambskin condoms are recommended. Although they are thinner and have a longer lifespan compared to latex, polyurethane condoms tend to break and cost more. So if you and your partner can use latex condoms, you probably should. h

Most condoms are lubricated, with either oil or water, to reduce friction and breakage. If you have a tendency to engage in vigorous sexual activity, water-based lubricants are recommended, as oil lubricants can reduce the elasticity of latex condoms and may cause them to slip. Non-lubricated types are also available for those who are sensitive to lubricating fluids. In addition to lubricants, some condoms also contain a small amount of nonoxynol-9, a spermicidal compound that is effective in helping to prevent pregnancy. However, recent studies have shown that it may not be as effective as other compounds in preventing HIV infection. Another substance added to some products is benzocaine, which slightly numbs the penis and provides a prolonged erection, promoting the extension of sexual activity and prolonging the satisfaction of the partner. Although most users report favorable results, there are some who believe in the advantages of this particular type of condom. To prevent the device from sticking when rolled, it is sprinkled with cornstarch.

This contraceptive device is placed on an erect penis and must be removed immediately after use. It would be helpful for those with an active sex life to have a box of condoms handy as it is used only once and must be disposed of properly. For a price of less than $ 10 a dozen and availability at all pharmacies, convenience stores and supermarkets, supplying condoms in the US is not a problem. When handled and used correctly, the full effectiveness of the device is achieved.

Although most international organizations have recognized the use of condoms to reduce the incidence of unwanted pregnancies and prevent the transmission of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), there are still several problems associated with the use of condoms and other contraceptives. One aspect related to condom use is personal preference. Some people express their displeasure and discomfort when using this contraceptive device, preferring to go completely natural. However, the prevalence of AIDS and other STDs has made condom use a necessary precaution for every act of sex, even during oral sex. When used with other contraceptives, such as spermicides and pills, condoms are approximately 100% effective in preventing pregnancy. In addition to the peace of mind, many people find that by experimenting with different brands and styles of condoms, they can find a condom that fits them well enough not to hinder their enjoyment of sex.

Popular brands include Crown, Durex, Lifestyles, Viva, and Trojan. Although most packages do not contain sizing information, a little research and practice would be enough for the user to determine the right type of condom for him. Generally, most condoms fit most people, with some people being the size of a typical condom.

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