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How long does yeast infection cream stay in the vagina?

Yeast infections are never very pleasant and it is important to treat them as soon as possible to avoid future health problems that can be caused by untreated infections. Many women around the world who suffer from yeast infection use a topical cream that is rubbed over the infected area, which helps to eliminate the yeast infection, but how long does the yeast cream stay in the vagina?

Well, the cream itself will stay active inside the vagina until the next wash, so it is usually 24 hours or so. After which, you will need to reapply a new dose of cream to continue the treatment.

Having the cream inside for 24 hours at a time is not a problem and will not cause any side effects or anything like that inside. However, it can be a hassle as it can sometimes cause mild discomfort or if it gets too much it can get a bit messy throughout the day.

A better way to cure yeast infection

While topical creams are great, they only provide symptom relief, and it will often take a long time to destroy the yeast spores causing the infection.

A much better way to cure yeast infection is to use a 100% natural cure. This cure is much cheaper than creams and it actually helps boost your immune system at the same time to help you fight infection.

It goes to work immediately to alleviate symptoms and also goes to work to cure the underlying cause of the infection, removing everything in just 12 hours, nothing else can beat this treatment in speed. It’s really that good!

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