International Business Setup: The New Talk of Town

For years people have wondered about having a business in a country of interest to them. This decision is supported by many questions, such as:

In which country to open a business?

What industry to choose?

What are the implications of establishing a business in these countries?

Is this correct?

what are my options?

How soon can I open this?

Will it be profitable?

There are many other questions that arise in your head and you have no answers for them. The best way is to hire an agent or talk to a friend who knows. talking to a friend will probably give you an idea and your friend might be able to help you with the process a bit, but again you need to consult a professional to get it right. To follow the correct procedure to open your company/franchise, etc.

The next question that arises is how much will these agents charge you?

Will it be a fair price or will you be robbed?

Again, you sit in a corner in a dilemma scratching your head wondering if this is going to exceed your budget because these agents will take every opportunity to extract that extra amount out of your pocket.

This is the time when you need a real agent.

Ask your agent these questions.

Why are you charging ‘X’ amount?

What all the services are included in this?

What if the job is not done on time?

Will there be compensation if there is a mistake on your part?

Do you need to run after them or do they need to run after you?

Well, all these questions are simple, but the last one; the difference. It’s not worth holding on to an agent that makes you run after them. An agent chasing you is a good bargain and this is where he will learn the customer service that is associated with the company or agents he will be dealing with.

Most of the times I have seen many agents running around at first just to get your attention and also criticizing the other agents saying; “Those agents don’t know how to do the job properly.” You as an innocent child believe this and blindly follow them and in turn have the worst experience of your life.


You want to suffer or be victorious in your effort. The choice is yours. Get to know them, let them give you all their details in writing. Try to get them to contract with you for the services they offer. Add some of your points in the deal. Discuss the price before you start with them. Don’t pay them more than the contract amount. Don’t pay them less than the contract amount either. At the end of the day, these little things will make your experience worth your time and money.

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