Mass production of works of art and crafts: advantages and disadvantages

Today, mass production seems to be a hot topic among artists around the world. You can be an artist, an art collector, or anyone with a general opinion on the subject of the advantages and disadvantages of creating works of artistic production. So let’s dig a little deeper into the subject.

Does mass production add to the already growing problems of artists around the world?

Those who agree with this idea go so far as to say that the actual definition of art has completely changed over the last half century or so.

However, those who disagree with this idea argue that mass production is actually good for artists as it improves their sales reach and profits. So, mass production also eliminates or substantially reduces the chances of any product duplication errors. However, those who are against the idea of ​​production work in art argue that art is not something that should be duplicated in the first place.

Another benefit of mass production in art is that if it is something that more than one person would like to own, then it makes it possible for all those seekers to add it to their collection. But then again, on the other hand, it completely removes the point of window exclusivity.

Also, with mass production, the biggest flaw could be that if there was a mistake in the original item, or maybe even something the artist might want to replace or improve on later, it will be duplicated on all copies that don’t leave the artist. with the possibility of changing or correcting.

One positive feature of production work is that with multiple people working on different production steps, most people become highly skilled at doing their particular job, increasing the chances of getting a better result compared to one. One person who does everything.

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