No one can define you except you

I came across these words today and they stuck to me like glue:

“Its value does not diminish based on someone’s inability to see its value.”

There may come a time in life when others feel that you are not good enough, when they choose not to see the best you are giving. When despite all your efforts, they only see you as useless and useless. It’s fine! They cannot be blamed, everyone has the right to believe what they want to believe.

There will always be people willing to criticize you and tell you how imperfect you are. There will always be people waiting to magnify your shortcomings. Believe it when I say that there will always be people who, even on your best days, will refuse to see anything good in you. You still can’t blame them, they have the right to believe what they want to believe.

However, what you can do is refuse to let people’s judgment of you define you. Why would you allow someone who has only a limited perception of you to tell you who you can or cannot be? The moment you let negative words spoken by disoriented people etch into your memory and have a dominating power over your mind, you’ve already lost.

If you are reading this, I want you to know that you are fine. No one is born perfect, we all strive to be a better version of ourselves. Your story is far from over my friend. Get away from all negative energy and turn those hurtful words into motivation. Work on yourself as if your life depended on it and open yourself to the world of possibilities. I assure you, you can be everything you want to be. You can be cool.

So don’t blame them, thank them. Because now you are awake. And when you are fully awake, you become an embodiment of empathy and compassion. You are equipped with the understanding that we are all unique in our different ways. You recognize that everyone you meet is superior in some way, you discover their good points and learn from them.

Remember, with little sparks of love, gratitude, and tolerance that you leave in your way as you go through life, you make this world a better place.

Bukola Helen Olusolade Oba

[email protected]

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