Sacred Impetus – The Highest Form of Spirituality of Sexuality Available to Humanity (10th House)

Cosmic Therapy MODE: The Truth About Raw and Pure Sex Attention all mortals: The arena of undisputed champions where all the false gods reside, flourish, and hold complete sway! This is also the essential mountain that you will have to climb while inhabiting the earth plane. There are no two ways to do it. In the uncertain, feared and terrifying regions of the mountainside with jagged peaks, your unchanging destiny awaits you in the tenth house of your astrological birth chart. You will pay the violinist for the music you dance to without realizing it. Who is bold, brash and daring enough to greet the spear thrower of fate? Remember: don’t venture lightly, indiscriminately, disrespectfully or halfway. Every hint counts!

It’s all about the details, those seemingly small and insignificant matters that are swept under the rug over the course of a day. You will answer for the details. Pay attention to what is being said, tone of voice, hand gestures, divergent insinuations written on a person’s face, names of people you are talking to on the phone, shape/color of flowers, interruptions in email correspondence, distinctive smells in rooms/offices/houses, texture of dirt, sand on the sidewalk, leaves falling from trees, variable noise from cars, stress from the wind, rain temperature, salty or sweet taste. ness in food, cloud formation in the sky, the position of buildings in relation to the sky, the color/design of the dishes in the various restaurants, the condition of your feet, the instinctive rhythm of face-to-face conversations, addresses in the mail, music that makes you move instinctively, art (tones) that hit you, disengaged laughter, sporadic spontaneous events that occur impulsively coupled with the infinity of things that make up the landscape of your bedroom.

Any sign that is in your 10th house sounds alarm bells for you! Locate the ruling planet in the Astrological Natal Chart to see which ‘false god’ you are paying homage to; more especially people born under this particular sign. Decrease the importance, immediately!!! Breaks the spell of his summoning influence. (For example, IF Aries is on the cusp; locate Mars.} In which house do you reside? This is the place where you should place your energy, emphasis, and attention. This is the arrow of destiny. No longer place precious jewelry, gifts, fruits of your bowels, emotional diamonds on the altar of the sign on the 10th house cusp. NO! Cease immediately. You are barking up the wrong tree of soul-satisfaction.

Be attentive to the signs (seasons) of change in the area of ​​your chart where the planet of 10 reigns; explore the harrowing possibilities; do not put them out by working against them. Meaning: “Take a chance.” Do things directly associated with that sign. Do the unexpected. Surprise yourself. Say something worth listening too. Finding your particular destiny is about doing what hasn’t been done in your life; undertake the adventure that takes you away from family safety. Expand your horizons. Dream big! Dare big!!! Jump higher!!! Sexuality leads this parade. This requires an enormous amount of dedication and perseverance. (The same way you get an honest interaction with your father.) Any type of relationship you have with your father will be determined by the sign that rules this house. [Which is normally transferred to the significant other in your life.]

First of all, be aware of the places where you tend to get stuck; ‘shoot to kill’ the defense mechanism of negatives flavored with father stubborn tone of voice repeating itself in your head. Most especially the irritating words that tell you “you shouldn’t”. [To overcome the falsely exaggerated sense of self is first priority of this house.] To achieve this, you must stop being so restrictive. You will learn how, based on the scent of the sign on the cusp of the 10th house, how to establish your own nomadic wisdom of real merit. You must continually push the limits; don’t do the same things you’re normally used to doing. Drive on a different path. When others say no; do that first until you find and establish your own sexual rhythm. Try all kinds of romances with lots of things, people, places, and roads. The sacredly inspired compulsion will serve you well in your plight if you allow the ruthless soul to guide you.

But, if you use this compulsive (passionate) need to magnify worry, concern, interference in other people’s affairs and increase your obsessive need to know and try to control the outcome, you will be punished in the most severe way. Leave the other person alone. Literally leave him alone. If he leaves, so be it. If he comes back, so be it. It has nothing to do with you. It is something you cannot determine. You are the first love that you seek and need with devotion. Come back to it.

Get rid of claims that you don’t necessarily want to face, but will sooner or later have to face. If you’re going to try to fool people, it won’t be from this house. You will be caught in your own web of deception every time. But if you invoke a mind of revered awareness to reveal what is going on in the depths of your most private sanctuary (I’m talking now about bringing the dead back to life) in that illusory erotic expression experience; blow those doors to the strange that prevents you Do not seek acceptance, adoration and admiration. Push the swinging doors in the cafe of lust all the way open to expose the contents of your private depths. Run like a crazed maniac through the corridors. Scream in exclamation that you have found the missing part of the recipe for your own sexual happiness. Stop reconciling; it does not suit the nobility of your divine character.

The tenth house where you can discover what your ruthless warrior soul is trying to communicate with you once and for all. is the house of natural and convenient expression, the shocking unfaithful messenger and departure messages, the need to run and hide, escape; flee from current circumstances to something better (YOU, completely deranged!)

No more discreet social interactions for you. You’re on a one-way train boarded by glory. It will involve love of esoteric books and information, mental and emotional passions, pure mental formations in sacred artistic images {astral/celestial/prayer in nature}, the comforting loyalty of unseen apparitions who are with you at all times, the source of the magical realm of activity, the actual convergence point of contact with the masters, the divinely inspired ability to write and communicate effectively, along with the power to influence the direction of your content fated path. in the actual spoken {your voice} of God/goddess/itness (supreme/universal force) The innate flavor of your arcane needs tied to your specific destiny cries out for your undivided attention. .

In the moving words of Etta James, “At last, my love has come…”

Sing, girl!

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