Storage units: what you need to know about storage

What you need to know when choosing a storage unit for your things!

– Get important information on the do’s and don’ts when choosing storage options for your belongings. Prices, Security, Access Hours, etc.

There are many things that we simply don’t think about when we plan to rent a storage facility to store our unused belongings or our precious items that we don’t have room for.

Location is a HUGE factor when choosing a storage facility that suits your needs.

– Should you choose to place the items in a location that is close to their final destination? or a facility near you, so you have quick access to items you may want to take out unexpectedly?

Determine what types of items you are stocking. Things you might want soon? or items you know you won’t need until they’re ready to be unpacked at their final location.

On-site management is another important factor when choosing a storage facility. Find out if the facility has staff available to handle unexpected situations or questions you may have.

Lease/Rental Pricing – How does this facility charge? Is there an advance move-in fee? Payment is charged monthly. Can payments be automatically deducted from your nank account? These are all important factors that you need to know before signing any contract etc.

Security. Facility security should be determined before choosing a storage facility. You need to find a business that is gated with 24 hour access, so you can access any of their items whenever you feel the need. It doesn’t matter the date or the time.

More tips to help you in your Self Storage

-Keep frequently used items in the front of your unit where you can easily access them.

-Map it. As you enter your storage space, draw a simple drawing showing where items are placed.

-Cover. Protect your furniture, including mattresses and box springs, with covers designed for the item.

-Think vertically. Make the most of your storage area by stacking to the ceiling, working from heavier items at the bottom to lighter items at the top.

-Don’t overdo it. Use a stool to stack and reach items stored above your head.

-Optimize your space. Break any furniture that has legs, leaves, or other removable parts. Stack chairs seat to seat with towels or blankets between them.

-Multiple task. Use your refrigerator or other appliances to store things like bedding, even books or CDs.

-Shim the door of any appliance open so air can circulate inside them.

-Take a breath. Leave some space between the walls of your unit and your stored items to allow for ventilation.

-Tool. Shovels, hoes, rakes, and hoses can be stored together in empty trash cans. Stack additional cans inside each other.

-Clean Air. If you’re storing a gas-powered lawnmower or leaf blower, avoid unpleasant odors by draining the tank before placing it in your unit.

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