Turkey Hunting Tips for Beginners

First tip, scout your hunting area 2-3 weeks before hunting season. If you can spot it before the sun comes up, you will be able to see the turkeys come out of the trees and see where they are going and also spot it when the birds are getting ready to perch. Watching the turkeys during this couple of weeks gives you the perfect place to put your blind or where you want to sit on the ground. If you end up walking to where you’d like to sit, make sure you remove all the leaves and branches, so that when you leave you don’t have all that noise.

Second piece of advice, make sure you wear the right clothes. Some people think that sitting in a blind means they can wear whatever dark clothes they want, but that’s not the case. You want to make sure you’re wearing the right camouflage that suits the foliage around you. When you wear dark clothes on the blind, it creates a shadow figure when you have your windows open. I know some of you are thinking that you don’t have your windows wide open, but even when you have them half open, there’s enough light to cast a shadow of you and the turkeys can see that if they look through the blind. Also, using camouflage gives you the option to hunt blind or on the ground.

Third tip, having some turkey decoys to sit on is really helpful. Some hunters want top of the line turkey lures, but you don’t need top of the line lures, just realistic looking ones. Some may ask how many lures you take out, well that’s up to you. Some hunters will take out 2-4 hens with a cat decoy or cat strutting. Having a jack or tom lure helps attract a jack or tom as they don’t want that other bird to get the chickens. But in the end, the important thing is to get the decoys out of the turkeys as you want.

The final tip. using the correct turkey calls. There are 5 different types of turkey calls and they are the button call, the box call, the friction/slate call, the diaphragm/mouth call, and the locator. Push-button calls produce realistic howls, clucks, and purrs with the push of a button. Cash calls are versatile, sound great, and are relatively easy to use. Putts, purrs, clucks and howls come to life with box calls. Friction/Slate calls are known for their realistic high-pitched sounds that carry well over distance. Diaphragms/mouth calls allow hunters to produce soft clucks and purrs that can reach high frequencies. They serve as excellent long range calls. The locator call does exactly what the name says, it locates where the gobblers are. All of these calls are good calls and will require some practice. But in the end you use what works best for you.

Now that you have the basics for turkey hunting, get out there and start exploring and practicing on those calls. Turkey season will be here before you know it or it’s already underway. As always, be careful and good luck.

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