What kind of live streamer are you?

“You take this too seriously,” a viewer once wrote during a live broadcast show.

At first, I was offended. After all, her point was valid. People can jump into the live stream and have a good time. It breaks the boredom and monotony of our lives because with the push of a button we can go live and have anywhere from 1 to 101 people in our kitchen while cooking dinner.

It is truly magical. And here I am, taking it so seriously and soaking up the fun. But I am?

A friend told me that he wanted to set up a program and asked me to help him. It got me thinking about what it takes to start a live streaming show. Live streaming is becoming mainstream and has started to attract so much attention that it is changing the way we do business, both in real time and on social media.

I’ve come to the conclusion that a live broadcast show is much different than streaming from your kitchen while you cook. Some of these things need to be defined and explained as live streaming is becoming more important. Here are the top four definitions for four types of Live Streamers you’ll be in the ocean with if you access Periscope, Meerkat, YouNow, UStream, YouTube Livestream, or any of the many live streaming apps available today.


SHARK STREAMS – Famous personalities who want to connect with their audience on a personal level. These are the streams that usually make it to the trending charts or stand out because they are visible to thousands of viewers and viewers. This is good for the app, the famous person, and the viewer. Everyone wins. Those viewers come from an established following and it requires no work or construction. The only thing the famous does is hit ‘go live’ and show us a perspective of his reality.

These people can be actors, singers, and even politicians, and advertisers can organize or schedule them to increase their numbers and popularity.

FRONT COILS – These are made by people just for the halibut (heck). They are looking for connection and the live broadcast is an answer. This was once true for me. After coming home from a deployment, live streaming was an answer for me to connect with the world again. HALIBUT STREAMERS will usually broadcast while driving, watching TV, doing things around the house, or letting viewers look in their fridges. It is done with no other end in mind than to eradicate loneliness and connect with others.

DOLPHIN BATHS – Now we come to the live broadcast program. This is a serious live streamer who wants to create happiness and a new reality for the viewer by leading them into an experience. There are no hard and fast rules for these kinds of streamers because the show relies on your creativity. They usually provide a kind of entertainment. These may be the sunset reaches for the game show reaches. Money or not, these people like to connect with humanity and provide something for the world.

SUCK COILS – Suckerfish are competitive opportunists who come fast with their internet marketing infomercials, books and money-making programs (brace yourselves, I’m about to be offensive), suckerfish observe.

We have all been fools. My gosh, I watch the Home Shopping Network myself. I just saw the other day that cable started charging for a subscription to a package of HSN channels. People pay to see these things! It is our human nature to want, acquire and succeed. It makes sense that the people who offer a lot of money if you follow their shows and learn Periscope, Webinar, Kindle Book, Crochet, Dog Watch, and the list goes on…it makes sense that ‘those’ people are there to put your money into their pocket.

Do not misunderstand. I am an astute business woman and I want to make money. I write books and programs and I am building a brand, products and a business. There is no shame in it.

What kind of live streamer are you?

I’m in the Dolphin Streamer category. Going back to my friend who asked me about starting a show. I want to help him get closer to the shore so we can all watch him jump out of the sea, back droop in the sunbeams and a bright, sparkling dolphin glow.

But there are questions that a Dolphin Streamer must ask before starting. I developed them from my streaming experience followed by nearly 350 live streams to date and a show that has evolved to nearly 6,000 followers (they make 5,000 organic followers *wink*).

What is your motive?

Why do you want to do this program? That’s the first question I ask people. It can be just to have fun and make friends while sharing your passion. It may be finding others who share the same passion. It can be a fun experiment that you just want to try and see what happens and where life takes you. Maybe it’s to earn money and start a business.

There is no wrong reason to start a show anywhere. However, know that a show is a commitment. You will be more successful if you can establish your motivation early on because that will keep you going when you want to give up. And believe me, you will want to give up at some point.

Research the pros and cons of what you’re getting into.

For many rewards that live streaming can bring, having a constant live streaming schedule of any kind can also be a war in many ways. Even if you’re just live streaming your surroundings, you’re wasting your energy and we don’t have much to give.

I do a morning show every weekend morning and have been through livestream training at a military school with threats that I would be sent home if I failed. That experience wasn’t enough to understand the strength it would take to keep my commitment to doing a morning show every weekend morning. It’s like running a marathon with hills and valleys, ebbs and flows of energy, restarts and roadside stops for high-carb energy shots.

Will this show build on something you already do or is already part of your life?

When deciding to put on a show, consider the people and things in your life. A woman does a YouTube show with her daughter to include the family. There is a man whose family regularly appears in his Vine videos.

Live video is more demanding than pre-recording. Is your show going to be about something you’ll have plenty of material on, or will you enjoy and have time to research? Do you have time in your life for this show, as well as your family and friends? What will he suffer if he has a regular show? It is suggested that you do a live stream once every 24 hours to increase the audience. Something in your life will go away to have a regular and consistent show.

I had to pick a time of day to stream constantly. I think of a time ‘frame’, EST Morning Times. But that means I have to get up earlier to exercise. My exercise has suffered when I have decided to sleep in a little later. It has been a sacrifice and I have had to reshape my schedule in other areas to accommodate my fitness. It has been a great challenge.

These are just some of the things to consider when thinking about starting a live streaming morning show and wanting to be a Dolphin. The Sharks will always be fine, the Suckerfish, well, it’s their life and they are used to the hustle and bustle. Halibuts are fine too because it’s just a hobby that makes them happy. But dolphins, dolphins are different.

Do you have what it takes to be a Dolphin Live Streamer? YOU are the only one who can answer that question.

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