Why So Many Elected Officials Continue to Support Trump: 5 Chances!

One might believe, apparently falsely, that those serving as elected public officials would, by now, take notice and acknowledge, despite the rhetoric of former President Trump etc., to the contrary, he clearly lost the 2020 election. , and most surveys, polls, etc., indicate that their positions are predominantly minority positions, in terms of popularity, etc.! Yet several months later, it seems, many of the Republican officials are still, apparently, following their so-called playbook! It is often a challenge for someone who strongly disagreed with many of Donald J. Trump’s policies, actions, and rhetoric/vitriol to consider why this continues, but, with that in mind, this article will attempt, briefly, to consider , examine, review and discuss, 5 possible reasons, this can be, consistently, done, etc.

1. According to: The simplest explanation may even be, despite any rhetoric and promises, these politicians agree with him, or his personal/political agenda, and/or believe, by doing so, they are complying and achieving their own! interest! Since the last election, we seem to be witnessing many of these individuals positioning themselves as their party’s potential future nominee and continuing to behave as they do to attract major Trump supporters etc.

two. Afraid of/fear of him, and/or his supporters: What influence, perceived threats and fear of the wrath of this former president and/or some of his most prominent supporters? Rather than being dismayed by the January 6 insurrection on Capitol Hill, it seems that perhaps many of these politicians feel, for security reasons, that they are personally better served by maintaining their loyalty to Trump.

3. Skeletons in their closets: We’ve all heard of some people having skeletons in their closets, and many seem to believe that Trump wouldn’t hesitate to use his knowledge of them, like ammunition, against them!

Four. He needs your populist and financial support: It may be a purely politically calculated decision that focuses on trying to attract and/or maintain your populist appeal and improve your ability to attract the necessary financial support to benefit your political agenda/career. !

5. Political/personal agenda and, perceived, self-interest: Many seem to believe that the former president often holds a grudge and holds it for a significant period of time! Believe Trump’s recent rhetoric and harsh words to both former Vice President Pence and Senator McConnell etc as evidence of this! Former Senator Charles Goodell once stated why we are witnessing this, when he said: Politicians are like antelopes. When the going gets tough, they paint their butts white and run with the crowd. Perhaps the main reason, we continue to witness this, is purely pragmatic and, he emphasizes, a personal/political agenda and some perceived self-interest!

Wake up, America, and demand, better, more representative leadership, seeking a meeting of minds, for the common good, less partisan politics, and prioritizing the needs of all Americans, rather than the wishes of politicians, etc. Will he become a more responsible voter sooner rather than later?

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